
Doctor of Philosophy, Media Studies/ Doctor of Philosophy, Informatics                      August 2018-May 2024

Indiana University                                                                                                                                Bloomington, IN

Dissertation: “The Mythical Mass Market: The Formation of the American Mobile Game Industry 1997-2008”


Master of Arts, Media Studies                                                                                               August 2015 - May 2018

New School for Public Engagement                                                                                              New York, NY

Concentration in Media History, Criticism, Philosophy


Bachelor of Arts, Literature                                                                                                      August 2009 - May 2013

Ramapo College of New Jersey                                                                                                         Mahwah, NJ

Research Interests

History of Video Games                                         Marxist Political Economy

History of Computing                                            Digital Labor Theory

Philosophy of Technology                                      Science and Technology Studies

Peer Reviewed Publications

Brown, Logan. "“The Mythical Mass Market”: Design, Habit and the Invention of the American Mobile Gamer." Game Studies 24, no. 2 (2024). 

Brown, L. (2023). “Rethinking Remakes: Value and Culture in Video Game Temporalization.” Games and Culture, 0(0).


Brown, Logan (2022) “Learning to Love Computers: Useful Cinema and the Mediation of American Computing 1958-1962,” Technology & Culture 63(3).


Brown, Logan (2020) “They Have to Help Themselves: Saw and the Horrors of Neo-liberalism,” Horror Studies 11(2), 259-277.

Brown, Logan (2019) "The Unfree Space of Play: Emergence and Control in the Videogame and the Platform," Markets, Globalization & Development Review: Vol. 3: No. 3, Article 2. 

Unrefereed Publications

Brown, L. (2022). Review: Free-to-Play: Games, Bias, and Norms. The American Journal of Play, 14(2), 215-217.


Brown, L (2020) ““Tom Nook Meets Microsoft Bob: Space, Sociality, and Digital Media in Good Times and Bad.” Meets_Micro.pdf


Brown, L. (2019). Review: The Politics of Mass Digitization. New Media & Society, 21(8), 1885–1887.


2023 Society for Cinema and Media Studies Annual Conference – Denver, CO

Panel Chair: Mobilizing Lives: New Histories of Mobile Media

Presentation: “Constant Availability, both for play and for purchase”: Inventing the American Mobile Player


2023: Meet the Author: Raiford Guins in Conversation with Logan Brown – Book Launch talk and event


2022 International History of Games Conference – Virtual Conference

Local Histories Workshop – Everyone Plays: Creating the American Mobile Gamer


2022 Society for Cinema and Media Studies Annual Conference – Virtual Conference

Re-releasing, Re-Mastering, and Re-Making: Industry Strategies of Video Game Temporalization


2021 Society for the Social Studies of Science Annual Conference – Virtual Conference

Co-Chair of Practices and Methods of Repair and Maintenance of Cultural Media

Presented Paper Repairing Media Technologies: Towards a Hybrid Methodology


2021 Society for Cinema and Media Studies Annual Conference – Virtual Conference

Building Player Memory: Mediating Subjectivity through Product Design in Modern Retro Game Consoles


2020 Common Ground Media School Symposium – Virtual Conference


2020 Society for Cinema and Media Studies Annual Conference – Paper accepted but conference cancelled due to coronavirus outbreak

’The Story of a Technique in the Service of Mankind: Cybernetic Anxiety and Computer Education Films 1958-1962”


2020 Materials for Interaction Symposium

Graduate Student Lightning Round


2017 Southern Comparative Literature Association Conference

The Gray Console: Emulation in Formal Institutions


2013 Dante Roundtable, Ramapo College

“Lost in Translation: What Is Lost and What is Gained”


2012 American Comparative Literature Association Conference

Yugen: Samuel Beckett and Japanese Aesthetics

Teaching Experience

Instructor of Record                                                                                                                       Spring 2022

MSCH-F 350 Games, Culture, and Society

Media School, Indiana University Bloomington

·        Created course syllabus

·        Led in-person seminar discussions

·        Created assignments around ethical design

·        Performed all grading, teaching, and administration


Instructor of Record                                                                                                         Fall 2020/Fall 2021

MSCH-C 215 History of Video Games

Media School, Indiana University Bloomington

·        Created course syllabus

·        Designed fully synchronous/asynchronous online course (Fall 2020)

·        Redesigned course for in-person teaching (Fall 2021)

·        All grading, teaching, and correspondence


Instructor of Record                                                                                                                         Fall 2019 

MSCH-M 322 Telecommunications Networks

Media School, Indiana University Bloomington

·       Co-created course syllabus

·       All grading, teaching, and correspondence

·       Designed in-class activities and lectures



Associate Instructor                                                                                       Spring 2019/Spring 2020

MSCH-C 215 History of Videogames

Supervisor: Donald Strawser

Media School, Indiana University Bloomington

·       Graded regular assignments for 76 students

·       Handled student questions and concerns

·       Suggested course readings and material



Associate Instructor                                                                                                             Fall 2018/Spring 2021

MSCH-C 101: Media

Supervisor: Tim Bell, PhD; Rachel Plotnick, PhD

Media School, Indiana University Bloomington

·       Led three weekly discussion sections for 57 students

·       Graded weekly assignments

·       Led review for midterm and final exams


Teaching Assistant                                                                                                                Spring 2018

Work, Love, Learn, Play: Our Lives on the Internet: Discussion Section – ULEC 2851

Supervisor: Claire Potter, PhD

Culture and Media Studies, Eugene Lang College, New School

·        Led a weekly discussion section for 25 students

·        Graded weekly response essays

·        Attended and aiding a weekly lecture component


Course Assistant                                                                                                                               Fall 2017

LCST 2450 A: Introduction to Media Studies

Supervisor: Deborah Levitt, PhD

Culture and Media Studies, Eugene Lang College, New School

·        Assessed and grading regular assignments for 22 students

·        Guided class discussion

·        Taught a module on Games Studies


Guest Lectures

·       “The History of Software Emulation,” MSCH-D 337 Game Preservation, Dr. Raiford Guins Spring 2019 & Spring 2020

Awards and Recognitions

























2022-2024 Member of International History of Games Conference Steering Committee

2022-2023 Managing Editor of Film History


2021-2023 Society for Cinema and Media Studies Game Studies Special Interest Group Graduate Assistant


2021 Peer Review Referee for ROMchip: a Journal of Game Histories


2020-2021 Media School Graduate Association Institutional Voice Chair


2020 Spring Game Studies Symposium

Planning Committee, Informatics School, Indiana University


2019 Spring Game Studies Symposium

Planning Committee, Informatics School, Indiana University